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Warm Blankets £5


A blanket is all it takes to keep a child or an adult warm through the winter months in Bangladesh, where homes are little more than wooden huts, providing little shelter from the severe weather.

Whilst £5 seems little to us, this is beyond the means for the country workers living hand to mouth, earning just enough to buy food for their families.


Each winter in Bangladesh, many elderly people die due to exposure to the cold weather.

Many have no family or friends to care for them. Buying blankets is one way we can put into practice the teaching in the Quran to care for widows and orphans.

Poor children, like the elderly, do not have enough warm clothes or blankets and are more likely to catch colds and influenza, which in some cases, without medical treatment, can lead to pneumonia and death.


Weather in Bangladesh becomes quite cold from November onwards. The temperatures drop to about 7 degrees Celsius. Fog and rain cause many, without shoes, winter coats, or cars, to be unable to go to work or school. Houses have gaps under the doors allowing cold winds to blow straight through. Adults and children sleep on soil floors rather than on beds.


Muslim Project Foundation purchases and distributes blankets in response to severe weather and reports of health being impacted.

With your help, we can maintain stocks of blankets and be ready to respond sooner and help more people.

While we have shoes and socks, warm beds, central heating, and insulated houses, the poor of Bangladesh live without any of these things we consider essential.

Through our website and social media pages we will keep you informed on distributions made this winter.

With your help we can support them, bring relief, and save lives.

Kindly make a generous donation of £5.


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Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions

Registered Charity: 1188588

Building Oak Way

London W3 7LD

Phone: 0203 778 1477

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